Setting and achieving goals to move your business forward is really important. What do you need to support your goals?
Today I want to talk with you about support systems. Because the truth is without a good support system, you cannot achieve your goals.
What type are you?
Type #1 – trying to learn and do it all yourself?
Type #2 – focused on moving your business forward with strategy, overseeing execution and always focused on your bottom-line sales?
If you’re in camp #1, you will continue to struggle because NO ONE can be and do it all.
If you’re in camp #2, make sure you’re investing in people and processes that deliver value back to your business.
For example, if you:
::Hire a coach, hire one that has the mindset, skillset and tools you need to make significant progress forward. Marketing, sales, systems, speaking, mindset. Whatever it is, find your person.
::Invest in a training program that will move your skills forward. This year alone, I’ve invested over $60,000 in a mastermind, training courses and events that give me the skills, mindset and tools I need to continue to grow. The key is committing to ACTUALLY USE what you learn.
::Hire a VA, hire one that will streamline your business and save you significant amounts of time (mine saves me at least 10 hours a week – well worth the investment!)
::Hire a graphic designer, find one that gets you, your vibe and what you’re trying to build. Find one you can be with long-term so you have a good, consistent feel to your visual identity.
::Hire a bookkeeper or accountant, make sure they understand where you’re going in your business. They need to support your goals and help you keep an eye on your bottom line + cash flow.
::Hire household help (nanny, housekeeper, yard service, etc…) find someone who sees your vision for how you want your house to look and feel.
Or anything else. Bottom line – don’t try to do everything yourself. There are an insane amount of people ready, willing and able to help you achieve your goals.
::Your personal Facebook connections
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To find out what marketing funnels can do for your business I invite you to find out what kind of marketing funnel is right for you and your business. Take this fast and free quiz, then you can layer your personality, and your secret recipe on top of the right marketing funnel that is really going to support what a sold out business means to you.