Let’s talk marketing blunders and the HORRIBLE advice out there to get new clients into your business… this one is the first (and the deadliest)!
So many people mess this up and then wonder why things didn't turn out the way they had planned…THIS is why…now you know!
Marketing blunder (1 of 3): Throwing in EVERYTHING (including the kitchen sink)
It's so, so easy to hide behind the free stuff… trying to ‘be of value' first. Things like spending your day in Facebook groups answering people's questions all day long…
… writing blog post after blog post (that barely anyone reads)…
… doing videos on YouTube, Facebook live and more (that hardly anyone knows about)…
… hosting webinars and spending hours and hours on your slides (that barely anyone shows up to see)…
… and more.
Sometimes all that value can be confusing and overwhelming for you potential clients – which can scare them off from working with you.
Here's the deal – yes, you need to provide value.
But (and this is a big, huge, GINORMOUS BUT)
That doesn't mean you need to give away everything (including the kitchen sink) before asking someone to buy from you.
You're running a business (not a charity), right? Right.
So, let’s pinky promise:
pinky promise that I can serve my clients best by NOT trying to train them on everything I know free of charge. Instead, I will create a SYSTEM to attract new people into my community and turn them into raving fans and clients.
See how simple that is? How uncomplicated and actionable?
Why don’t enough people do it then?
Because there are so many people tooting a different horn..a horn that serves THEM!
Those who tell you that if you simply give people enough free value they’ll automatically buy WITHOUT you having to ask are WRONG….dead wrong and here is why they are so wrong:
First, we live in a world where we are inundated by FREE, FREE, FREE.
Everywhere you look you can find information for free… but often people are looking for information they can TRUST, that is EASY TO CONSUME and that is PROVEN.
It takes time, money and effort to create a product, service or program that is trustworthy, easy to consume and proven… and you shouldn’t be afraid to charge money for that.
Second, those ‘experts’ who tell you people will just show up begging to work with you, money in hand WITHOUT you having to ask for a sale?
Yeah, they’re probably selling a course, program or service that is all about getting known… getting seen… being visible… which are all great things if you have a system for turning your effort into a sale.
(but that’s not what they are selling)
The worst part?
It’s not just a matter of being right or wrong…
…the real problem is that spinning your wheels trying to churn out a never-ending buffet of free content is making you lose your belief in yourself, your sanity and your money, not to mention the incredible amount of time it takes to create all that free content…
…that you hope will someday, somehow, someway turn into a paying client (because, well, food costs money…).
And I can have none of that.
So heed the advice here (free video training) and never deal with creating a boatload of free content (without any clients to show for it) again!
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