In my recent blogs I began sharing a peek into my messy behind-the-scenes business story. Lies, hacks and major aha-s!
…about the time when a fancy-pants big-name blinged-out business owner bamboozled me with her ninja-like ‘speak to sell' speech.
Before I knew it, I'd whipped my wallet out…
…run to the back of the room…
…and literally threw my credit card at her team to buy this too-good-to-be-true-that-turned-out-to-be-a-total-scam offer.
To the tune of $997.
And while her product was crap, what happened afterwards was fascinating… and changed absolutely everything for me (and my business).
I'll tell you about it in a minute… but first, I want to ask you a few quick questions:
Are you absolutely DONE with money-grubbing, scammy big name gurus who promise you the moon if only you'll pay them $997 (or $1997… or $9997… or more) for access to their super-secret system?
Would you do anything to get rid of the icky feeling from their marketing making you feel ‘not good enough' unless you open your wallet and fork over all your money, max out your credit cards…
… and then they ask you to beg, borrow and steal from all your friends and family to buy into their VIP-level programs?
Does the thought of trying to piece together their ‘proven systems' that are designed to be totally overwhelming make you want to stab yourself with a fork?
If you answered yes to any of these, you're not alone.
You see, after that event a couple years ago I was in that EXACT same position… that icky, yucky feeling of being suckered by this fakey-fake guru.
Because what happened AFTER the sale was this:
Email after email along with videos, webinars, ‘community calls' and more all preying on the fact that I may be ‘struggling' to implement her (crap-on-purpose) system…
… She was trying to make me feel like I wasn't ‘good enough' unless I bought EVEN MORE from her.
This made me SO ANGRY…
… but also incredibly fascinated.
While I vehemently disagree with her execution, her marketing system was perfection.
I studied her marketing funnel backwards and forwards so I could reverse engineer what her real ‘secret' was because even with her totally crappy product, people were throwing money at her every day to buy even more of her offers.
So in a weird way… I'm glad I wasted that $997.
Because it opened my eyes.
I knew all about marketing funnels… but I'd never so consciously experienced one before.
I became enthusiastic about every single email, postcard, webinar, community call, sales page, landing page, event, sales call and offer this guru came out with because it helped me fill in another piece of the funnel hacking puzzle.
And I didn't just do it with this one guru – I started doing it with EVERYONE.
Funnel hacking helped my business tremendously.
I was able to create funnels for me + my clients using everything I knew about marketing along with all my funnel hacking improvements.
And while I will NOT work with anyone who wants to create a funnel that is sleazy, slimy or designed to steal their client's dreams…
…I DO love learning from those unethical people so I know how to beat them at their own game.
And I'm sharing with YOU.
Over the next couple of weeks, I'm going to share my funnel hacking a-has so that you can get an ethical marketing funnel set up in your own business.
Because we need to beat these unethical gurus at their own game…
And the best part?
It won't cost you $997…
… in fact, it won't cost you anything (so put your wallet away!).
I'm sharing all this so that you're never bamboozled by a Jimmy Choo-wearing, Ferrari-driving, name-dropping, laptop lifestyle, diamond-flashing NLP ninja…
… because you ARE good enough RIGHT NOW and you CAN 100% make this happen for you + your business.
*Fist Bump*
You just need three things to make it happen. But since this post is already a novel, I'll walk you through thing one in the next blog.
BTW: Have you joined our free Facebook Community – Tame the Marketing Monster – yet? If not, what are you waiting for? It's FREEEEEE (did I mention FREE?) and we have a lot of real conversations in there about business, marketing and more.
Find out what kind of marketing funnel is right for you and your business. Take this fast and free quiz, then you can layer your personality, and your secret recipe on top of the right marketing funnel that is really going to support what a sold out business means to you.