Got some people on your email list who NEVER open your emails?
Well, today I’m sharing 3 ways to bring them back onto your email good side that go WAY beyond the boring old standard ‘do you still want my email’ type emails that other people tell you to send… because just in case you didn’t know… those emails don’t really work.
And worse, some people want you to send full-on BULLY type emails that try to scare your audience into compliance with your desire that they read your emails.
Not the best way to build an engaged community.
Let’s talk about what does work a whole lot better…
Biggest Show Takeaways:
- Ever heard the advice that you need to just focus on building your email list and your business will magically take off? Yeah, we’re tackling that myth today.
- I’ll share a BIG ‘learning moment’ I had in my business that showed me EXACTLY why focusing just on attracting email names doesn’t work
- So… what should you do if you have an unresponsive email list?
- 3 ways to engage your current email list beyond the ‘do you want to stay on my email list’ emails
- Way 1: think outside the inbox
- Way 2: help them get to know themselves in this fun and unique way
- Way 3: be bold in a super relevant way
- Want to know which marketing funnel is right for you and your business? Take this free and easy quiz and in less than 5 minutes you’ll know EXACTLY which funnel is right for you.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Marketing Funnel Quiz: