I wanted to revisit mini offers today because a lot of times when we’re in our business, we need to give ourselves permission to change, to grow, to explore new things, and to keep moving forward so that we can best serve our audience and grow our business, right? And that's where the magic of a mini offer comes in.
Basically, it's just taking your big offer, your big coaching package offer, and breaking it into these little small bits.
Now, why would you want to do that? Well, what I have found is that if you don't have good testimonials for the program that you're trying to offer, it can be really tough to sell it.
So you have the basic program outline, but you don't have the deep insights about who would buy this, why they buy it, what they get from it, what they find valuable, etc.
When you can get audience insights about exactly what people love about your offer, this is what's valuable. It gives you confidence that people find this valuable, and it gives you the words for what they find valuable about it.
The confidence that comes from it, the clarity on why they buy and who buys, how valuable it is, what dollar amount they would give that in terms of what it's meant to them, is incredible. And it also gives you testimonials for those pieces.
Biggest Show Takeaways:
Dos/Don’ts of a Mini Offer Launch
- Don’t make it complicated. DO keep it SIMPLE and FOCUSED.
- Do not make your mini offer or your launch complicated.
- As part of that bigger offer, there are probably multiple components. So, take one or two or three of those little components and make them into little tiny offers that are easy for people to say yes to.
- Keep it really clear as to what they'll get when they purchase it from you. And also keep it inexpensive. Your goal here is to get buyers so that you can get insight. It's not necessary to make a ton of money.
- Don’t spend a ton to create it. Do the LEAST amount possible to get this out.
- I hate it when I see people who are testing offers, but then they spend so much to create it that they have to charge a lot. So don't do that.
- And, yes, I have done many offer “launches” with one to three emails and a PayPal link or a Stripe link. You don't have to make it crazy complicated.
- What you're doing is just trying to see is if people are even interested in this.
- Don’t worry if no one wants it at first. Do test, test, and test some more.
- I have people who test out mini offers and they're testing based on their gut feeling, but nobody wants it. When you test things, they don't always work. You really have to have the mindset of test, test, and test some more.
- And what are you testing? You're testing what the mini offer is. You're testing who the audience is that you're putting that mini offer in front of. You're testing the price, you're testing the promise, you're testing your message.
- If you put one out there and it doesn't work, awesome. You just saved yourself time, money, and effort trying to put together a big launch of something that people weren't interested in.
- So then you have to say, “Okay, is it the offer? Is it the price? Is it the message? Is it the audience? What is it that missed there?”
- I've been in this bucket too. But what I found is that when I switched my mindset to say, “All right, I'm just doing tests, not everything's going to work. And that's okay.” When I made that mindset shift, so much happened in terms of helping me just hone in on who my audience is, what my message is, what they find valuable about what I offer — all of it.
- Don’t wait. Do a mini offer in the next few weeks.
- I would bet if we went through your business right now, we could break that offer down into at least three pieces, and you could quickly do a mini offer on one of those little pieces. Quickly, like in the next two or three weeks.
- It doesn't have to be hard. Sit down, write a couple of emails, get a PayPal link or a Stripe link, and maybe a little FAQ. You don't have to make it hard.
- If you have an offer that's not selling as well as you would like, I'm going to beg you. I'm going to plead with you. Do yourself a favor. Don't wait. Do a mini offer. Get those insights.
- After you do a mini offer, one of the best things you can do for yourself is to back it up a step and say, “Alright, why did this person buy? What else are they looking to buy? What was the problem they were looking to solve for this? And why was this interesting to them?”
- If you can get them to answer those questions for you, you will have so much more clarity, so much more insight, and much better marketing for your bigger offer than you ever could do if you hired the best copywriters out there.
- I'd love to hear how this goes for you. What do you think of mini offers? How do you think they could work for your business? How do you think they could give you insight? Have you run one? Hit me up and let me know!
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