Episode 88: Ready to Grow Your Audience? Start Here

One of the biggest questions I work with clients and students on is: “How do I grow my audience?”

It’s an important, critical piece of running a business — any business — not just an online business. 

They want to know:

  • How do I get their attention? 
  • How do I connect with them? 
  • How do I attract my audience into my business? 

My grandpa used to always tell me: Let’s fish where the fish are biting. 

He LOVED to fish and would wake up us grandkids to go in the wee hours of the morning when we were camping. Some of my most favorite memories are with him. 

And you know what? He was right! When we went fishing where the fish were, it was a lot easier to catch our fish. On those mornings, we’d quickly catch our max limit and be off to enjoy the day. 

But, sometimes, we’d be on that boat for HOURS AND HOURS AND HOURS looking for the fish. Those were the times I hated going fishing because we had to be silent, and that was TORTURE for me. 

In fact, that boredom and enforced silence were what made me stop going fishing. Who wants to sit around hoping a fish will bite all day long? Not this girl; I’d rather be swimming — or really doing anything else. 

The same goes for our businesses. Who wants to be sitting around all day long hoping for your audience to bite? Not me — and I bet not you either! 

Let’s talk about three highly valuable tools — all have a FREE option — that you can use to figure out where your audience is hiding out so that you can go straight over to them versus cruising around all day hoping to find them.

 the marketing funnel show, marketing funnel, marketing funnels the marketing funnel show, marketing funnel, marketing funnels 

Biggest Show Takeaways:

  • #1. Ubersuggest 
    • Can be used to come up with keyword and content ideas.
    • What makes this a standout tool is the traffic analyzer. You can find the top pages for certain keywords, you can get information on the traffic on competitor’s websites, what keywords they rank for, etc.
    • You can find out what social platforms your target audience is hanging out on. 
    • The tool can be used to do an SEO audit of your own website. 
    • This tool is totally FREE.
  • #2. SimilarWeb
    • You can analyze any website or app. 
    • Learn about the top traffic sources, top organic keywords, top social channels, top referring websites, related websites the audience is visiting, etc. 
    • If you’re doing ads, this tool is amazing because it can help you figure out where to spend your dollars. 
    • This tool has a paid option, but you can get a lot out of their free option.
  • #3. BuzzSumo 
    • I would suggest using this tool AFTER the other ones I’ve recommended.
    • You can see what’s trending, check on specific keywords, see the top-ranked articles and posts in your chosen area, where content is being shared, etc.
    • There’s a Facebook analyzer so you can see which of your posts have performed the best. 
    • Has both a paid and free option. 
  • Want to know which marketing funnel is right for you and your business? Take this free and easy quiz, and in less than 5 minutes, you’ll know EXACTLY which funnel is right for you.

Links mentioned in this episode: