Last week I shared with you the Facebook Ad Stack Funnel Hack. And so many of you wanted more, more, more!
Well, you’re in luck because today and the next 2 weeks we will go even deeper into how you can make this powerful (yet simple) Facebook ad strategy work in your business. Right now.
Here’s the deal. Most people who talk about Facebook ads only focus on the conversion aspect. They leave out the valuable insights I’m sharing in today’s episode…
… and yes, conversion is important. But without the WARM UP your conversion will fall FLAT.
This is the missing piece that so many people skip over when they brag about Facebook ads…
… but honestly, without the warm up, you will NEVER have a sustainable Facebook ad strategy.
I know, because I’ve tried to do my own ads without it. And I could get people to sign up for my webinars… or my lead magnets. But the rest of my conversion would fall flat. Until I started adding in the warm up.
This isn’t a new concept. It’s actually an old direct marketing approach to advertising. But it works like gangbusters on Facebook. Because the psychology behind it is the same.
I’m breaking it all down on today’s episode of The Marketing Funnel Show. Listen here.
Biggest Show Takeaways:
Links mentioned in this episode:
Opt In: Facebook Ad Stack Funnel Hack Part 1: The Warm Up
Marketing Funnel Quiz:
Sally Hogshead How To Fascinate
Facebook Ad Quiz: