How To Be A Podcast Guest Rockstar


Today we’re diving into the SECRET to being an IRRESISTIBLE podcast guest. But before we get to that secret, let’s dive into what we’ve covered these last few days:

Day 1: we listed out different podcasting categories our ideal clients would listen to

Day 2: we learned to pitch ourselves to podcast owners like a pro with a step-by-step template

Day 3: I created a step-by-step video for you to see how to find the PERFECT podcasts to connect with and quickly pitch (and I included a done-for-you template)

Which brings us to today…


Well, it’s easier than you think BUT it does take a little pre-work on your part.

Here are the three areas you need to spend some time working on:

  1. What is your core message?
  2. What is the VALUE you bring to the audience?
  3. What STORIES do you have to share with the audience?

1 – What is your core message?

This is CRITICAL. Know what you are trying to communicate – as simply as possible. For me, my message is:

Many business owners feel like the best-kept secret around and no one can buy a secret!

The ONLY way to be successful in building your business is to custom design your OWN marketing message and visibility plan to go from the best-kept secret around to a sold-out success.

2 – What is the VALUE you bring to the audience?

In other words, what gives you the right to share this message? Why should anyone listen to you?

This is when your experience, training, certifications and personal story come into play. It’s your secret sauce and what sets you apart from everyone else.

Some of my points here include:

  • I have almost 20 years of professional marketing experience so I’ve seen and done it ALL. I’ve read well over 600 books on marketing, psychology, persuasion, messaging, copywriting, advertising and more AND I’ve tested out ideas so everything I talk about comes from real-world practice, not theory.
  • I ran classes and programs for the Microsoft Marketing Academy, training THOUSANDS of marketers around the world and partnering with elite universities like Duke, Northwestern, Stanford and others. I know marketing inside and out.
  • I’ve worked on global marketing campaigns with eye-popping budgets and I’ve worked with startups and solopreneurs who are focused on getting maximum value out of every single dollar invested.
  • I have won multiple marketing awards (and I may even list them out) proving that I know my stuff.
  • I have degrees/certifications for marketing, coaching and more (and I may list them out) AND I continue to invest in my education every year.

Etc… what you put down for your credibility points will be different than mine, but truly take a few minutes to list out all the reasons why YOU have credibility and experience to share your message.

3 – What STORIES do you have to share?

THIS IS CRITICAL!!!!! (and yes, it merits multiple exclamation points!!!!!)

—->No one wants to have you on as a guest to simply drone on like a BORING college professor.

Why? IT’S A SNOOZE FEST! Listeners tune out. The interviewer tunes out. And it leaves a YUCKY taste in everyone’s mouth.

TRUE STORY: Once I had a guest come on who tried to hog all the airtime and just preach her message. I stopped recording and told her that either we had a conversation – with interesting stories – or I wouldn’t use her interview.

We stopped the interview (and it never got published) because she had NO STORIES.


People want to learn from you as a human, not a drone. We want your stories. Your fails. Your wins. Your laugh-out-loud moments and your hide-in-my-bed-and-pull-up-the-covers moments while learning.

When you’re a podcast guest, you’re not on there to verbally vomit your message. You’re there to have a conversation. To teach through your experience. To share stories that engage, entertain and educate the listeners.

Listeners should feel like you’re sitting at a coffee shop (or wine bar!) with them having a real conversation.


Assignment for YOU:

For each point you want to make, come up with at least one (TRUE) story that illustrates your point.

Trust me… the host and audience will love you for it.

Because without a message… what would you talk about?

Astrid Mueller says January 8, 2016

fabulous, Michelle! All your content is so super useful and inspiring – warm thank you! xoxo – Astrid

    Michelle L. Evans says January 9, 2016

    Astrid, so glad this is helpful to you. Can’t wait to hear what shows YOU are on!

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