If you're anything like me, when you sit down to write a blog post a blank page is the kiss of death for every ounce of creativity. It makes me seize up and all creative thought goes flying out the window.
That little cursor blinking away…
… so many ideas all jumbled up in my brain…
… and the HEADLINE. Oh lord, don't get me started on the anxiety I experience trying to create drool-worthy headlines!
Lucky for all of us, there are some FANTASTIC cheats, hacks and free tools out there to take the pressure off.
Kinda like cheating off the smart kid in class… and totally getting away with it!
OK, here goes with 11 ways you can (legally) steal drool-worthy headlines – my favorite cheats, hacks and free tools:
This one is PRICELESS! Enter the keyword/topic you want to write about, click ‘Get Headlines' and 700(!!!) titles are served up to you on a silver platter.
The only thing that could make this one better is if it came with chocolate and wine too.
Click here to get your awesome titles
This one is funny… cheeky… and downright LOL-worthy (seriously… don't drink anything while doing this… there's a good likelihood your drink will end up all over your computer!)
GREAT for quirky, fun, interesting headlines.
Click here to get Portent's Content Idea Generator
Take a headline your thinking about using, and post it in this free handy-dandy tool. It will tell you the emotional marketing value of that headline. Because, you know, emotion is the key to grabbing attention for your stuff. I haven't had one of my headlines come back snooze-worthy yet (thankfully) but it's been close. Check out the Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer here.
Gotta love a free tool that starts out… ‘Don't know what to blog about? Let us think of ideas for you' Um, OK! Especially Hubspot. These guys blog 24/7… they've got ideas oozing out of their fingers all day every day. Check out the blog topic generator here.
OK, ok… you may not like the term ‘linkbait' (and Facebook certainly doesn't) but this is a handy tool to get you thinking about some drool-worthy, clickable headlines. Just make sure you're linking to something worthy of the click, ok? You want to use these tools for good, not just tricking people for traffic. Click here for the Linkbait Generator.
I use this tool a LOT. It helps me brainstorm more exciting, fun and unique titles by taking my ho-hum boring stuff and giving me oodles of synonyms. Then I can pick what works best. Check out the online thesaurus here.
I used to be super jealous of people who came up with snappy sounding titles easily. Then I found B-Rhymes… and now I can totally join the snappy cool crowd (and you can too). This tool will give you words that go together like PB&J… even if they don't technically rhyme. Check out this cool tool here!
CoSchedule has put together a great tool to help you write better headlines. This tool does a quick analysis of the overall structure, grammar and readability of your headlines. Check out the Blog Post Headline Analyzer here.
Well hello there awesome! This tool promises to skyrocket your sales instantly by using a killer headline that grabs attention. It's easy to use and comes back with some pretty hot headlines. Definitely worth a try (especially if you're trying to come up with headlines for a sales page, landing page or ad). Check the awesome headline generator out here.
Tim Gross, the ‘Million-Dollar Copywriter' created this free headline generator. His tool makes it easy to generate dozens of great headlines in minutes with just a few fill-in-the-blank questions. Check out the headline wizard here.
And last but not least, the SumoMe tool that lets you write engaging titles like a boss. This tool is broken into 6 different types of headlines – numbered lists, how to, explanatory/why, strong/controversial, fun/playful and DIY headlines. So you can choose that type that works best for your business. Click here for the kickass headline generator. OK, you now have oodles of tools to get out there and kickstart your creative juices. Any other free tools you love that I should add to the list?
Want a way to turn those headline ideas into business? Be sure to take the Marketing Funnel Quiz so you know where to focus your headline-writing efforts!