Who Do You Think You Are?

Who do you think you are? Seriously.

What gives you the right to do the work you do?

If you’re ready to take me out back and fight, good! That’s what I want.

I want you to fight for your value. Your brilliance. Your right to do the work you want to do.

One of the things that held me back for a long time in my business was my lack of confidence in myself.

I felt like I had to take one more certification. Complete one (or many) more classes. Test out my skills and offer with one more person…

…but it was never enough.

I never felt like the time was right and that I was empowered to do this work until one day someone asked me that very question…

…what gives you the right to do this work?

And why should I believe you?

Oh that got me mad. Really mad.

And I fought hard for my skills, my experience and my uniqueness.

Then I went home and made a list of more than 50 reasons why I had the right to do this work.

And another 50 reasons why people should believe me.

Then I started to believe myself.



Set your timer for 15 minutes and let every. Single. Reason. Why YOU are qualified to do this work pour out. No censorship. No qualifications.

Start the list with, “I’m awesome because…” and go from there.

This exercise can be an absolute game-changer for your business, your confidence and your core message.



Come join our private (and FREE) Facebook community and let us know what a-has did you come up with?

Was this a hard exercise or did the reasons come easily?



Post your list somewhere that you can see it daily. Remind yourself how amazing you truly are.

Click here to take your free quiz to find out in just a couple of minutes then use your secret power to knock the earmuffs off your competition as clients start flocking to YOU.